Great Visit
My visit with Harriet ( A.K.A Sparky) is done!!! We had a blast playing cribbage till we couldn’t see straight. I am proud to announce that I won our little tournament. We played 42 games I won 29 skunking her 3 times. She skunked me once. Last tournament we played 49 games and I lost 23 and was skunked 3 times. Ah to win was good!!!
Other then playing cribbage we also went shopping, Harriet’s favorite past time. I even went to the mall.( I am not a mall shopper). While out Terry, (Harriet’s husband) was too good to me, he did my honey do list. Actually it is a “Gail List” that was on the frig take a look:
- Fix Gate
- Fix Fence
- Buy Shovel and plant flowers
- Set up pool
- Fix grill
- Hang hangers for plants
- Weed Rob’s Rock Cemetery
I about cried when I saw all he had done. The man works fast too. Oh and he also took care of my sunburn and broken toe(Terry is an ER nurse). When I went to Visionland with the girls on Wednesday I got more sun then I thought. I had a serve burn on my arms, shoulder,chest, and my back. Here is a picture of my back, which is now healing.

healing back day 4
Posted by Hello
Harriet would lather me down 4 times a day with Green Ice. Yes it works not only did it stop the sting of the burn but it also stopped me from blistering and peeling. Let me tell you all it works not only did it stop the sting of the burn (it is so cold going on) but it also stopped me from blistering and peeling. My burn is now turning into a tan and finally most of the pain is gone. I got my bra on today!!
My toe is healing. It looks horrible but not much can be done. I still can’t believe I broke it making my bed. Yeah I know…gracefully is not something I ever claimed to be!
They kids had blast playing in the pool and on the PS2. It was like they never were separated. Before I forget let me brag on Gunter here. He was the perfect little host. They brought their Miniature Schnauzer she is all of 13 pounds and my Gunter who is getting closer to 100.
He would lay down so she could run and jump on him and he never hurt her. He would just use his head to knock her over and they must have ran 30 miles in the back yard playing.
She even went so far one day as to eat his food and he just sat down and groaned at me. Waiting patiently for us to move her. He shared his favorite toys with her and never growled or snapped once.The only time he barked at her was when she tried to get on my lap. Toys and food he was ok with but he wasn’t sharing me!
Rob called and he was able to speak to both of them. We had a great visit and it was nice to have them here.
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