Tuesday, July 19


The bath area is done. I finished the trim this morning. I really like the trim color. I think I may use it in my kitchen. Of course the kitchen is a long way off…Rob will be home to help me do that one!

I know pictures…here you go.

I was trying to show the trim and the wall...of course Gunter had to join in.
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This is actually a better representation of the colors. I was worried the Gobi would be too dark, I was wrong.
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Finally I wanted to show you all the three colors together. The door is the color of the upper walls in the sink area.
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My goal is to have all the trim done today and start cleaning…I am on messy painter let me tell you, and start decorating Thursday. Friday my parents are comeing up with the girls and dad is brining me all my cool stuff he has made for the room. It’s going to be awesome!


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