Sunday, January 30

37 Days

In 37 days my husband will be home! He is coming home for 3 weeks. Papers have been signed, plane reservations made. I had wanted to keep it from the girls in case something changed after all this is the Army, but he was so excited he told them. I will admit at first I was really upset with him. But I understand why he did it. I can’t imagine how hard it is on him to be gone from us, so being able to give the girls awesome news made his year!Our girls will have 3 date nights with their dad and they are already planning them.

My husband is coming home!!!I will wake up everyday for 3 weeks with him next too me. God I can’t wait to hold him again. My husband is coming home, I can't believe it.

Dear god please,please let this really happen. No changes, no problems. Please let us have these 3 weeks.

Only 37 days to go!


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