Saturday, May 21

Summer Vacation

It’s official no more school for the girls for 21/2 months.

My class starts Tuesday and I am a bit nervous about it. Have I mentioned how much a hate math? I keep telling myself that it will be ok.

Every summer vacation I have this urge to purge my house. So I have a list of things I am going to reorganize. I am also redoing the living room. Not sure yet how much ”Redoing” I am actually going to do but I have high goals.

I would love new lamps and of course painting the walls. Since we moved into the house I have been trying to pick a color for the living room and I still can't decide.

I found a chair at I love. It’s way to pricy for me but I just love the colors and the style of it.Peak at it here. On sales for (are you ready?) $749.00. I can like it but it will never be in my house. But I really, really love those colors. How do you think one of them would look on the walls??

I am buying new endtables and coffe table. The set we have is way to out dated for me and I am sure Rob will be very happy to see them go.

I have a few goals for the girls room but they have to keep them clean before I think of buying anything there.

You can bet I will be taking pictures to share with you all.


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