Yesterday we had a minor (too me anyway) ice storm...half the town went into hiding. Rob and I had date night anyway which was nice because NO ONE was out. I was cracking know when I lived in Alaska it had to be 60 below with ice fog for me to stay home. Why 60 below and ice fog see 3 red lights and intersections later. I found out that was the temperature my breaks froze. I also found out the flashing your lights thing really does work was like a known thing. Person sliding thru the light flashing lights at 60 below in ice fog has no breaks,please wait...kind of funny now looking back on it...not so much then I'm pretty sure a change of pants was need at the time.
I am actually enjoying this cold weather. Being from the North it sends me back to when I was growing up. So tonight I made Pepere's white spaghetti for dinner and home made rice pudding. Just like being back north again. The best rice pudding I ever had was at
Olde Mystic Village where I grew up. Mine isn't as good but seeing how I don't have 24 hours to drive and get some mine will have to do.
I know I mentioned my parents sold their house and are moving here. At first when they called to tell me I was a bit freaked. I mean they SOLD THEIR HOUSE to move closer to us, little pressure there. What if they hated it here? What if they couldn't find a house they liked? I would feel so guilty for wanting them to move here. Then it hit me they will be ok...they have moved many times and have always adjusted. Now that the panic has eased I am planning fun things we can do with them. Trips to Tennessee and plays here in town. Holiday dinners with family without having to pack up and drive 14 or so hours. Rob and I can have date nights and the girls can go to grandma's like everyone else. No looking for a place for them to go. It's going to be nice.
Have I mentioned I am currently failing my math class. Yep it's true I have gone from a 4.0 to shit. I have learned something in this class, how you teach really does matter. I was going to drop the class but I refuse to quit just maybe I can hang in there and pull a C to pass. I can dream right? If not I will be taking this class again. Good note...I know what to expect the next time around.
Gunter is due to go back to the vet on the 23rd. I took him a few weeks ago with five puppy Prozac in him and they still had to use the door to hold him to get his rabies shot. It has been 4 years since he has had any blood work for heart worm. I have been buying and feeding him his pills regularly but it is still a good idea to have the blood work done. Not to mention he wouldn't let the vet near him...we he let him near enough to pet him...but if he tried to touch him as in "Check him out" Gunter would grab a hold of his shirt sleeve while giving him the "BIG EYES" and when the vet would let go so would Gunter and rub against him for a pet. The vet actually got a kcik out of it.It was like hey pet all you want but no checking grab, I grab, you let go, I let go. Then we can be friends again
oh and can you scratch behind the ear.
*sigh* so they need to put him under to check his leg and draw blood. I figure if he is going under they might as well clean some teeth and cut some nails!