Saturday, October 2

9 down 13 to go!

Finally we are under 400 days till Rob comes home. I find it hard to say he has been gone 9 months. Mostly I think because we still have so long before he returns home.

A very sweet teacher I work with made the comment the other day “ Wow! 9 months already, the time is really going by fast!” my first thought was to say “ For who?” but instead I just smiled. She meant well.

It is hard to explain to folks sometimes that while for them the time may be going fast for us some days feel like YEARS.

If you knew me (and by knew me I mean personally not just what you read here) you would know I am a very optimist person. I can usually find the up side and the humor in just about anything.

In fact when we found out Rob was leaving I kept saying ”The time will go fast and we will get the bills paid off so, when Rob comes home we will be ready for retirement.” I was thinking positive. I would also say “We have survived long deployments before we can do this, it will be ok and go quick.”

I have to confess, this separation has been so much harder then I thought. And in all honesty I am not as strong I once thought I was.

The girls and I went out today to run errands. By the time we had finished all our errands we were fully depressed. Every store we went into had started putting out their holiday stock. The girls started talking about how they really missed dad and wished he would be coming home for the holidays.

Our up and happy mood quickly gave way to sadness.

395 days, you know what I think we’ll just call this a day and move on to tomorrow. 394 days till Rob comes home!


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